Main Event Rise-sd 2023

The “Research and Innovation Symposium for European SECURITY and Defense”  is an international event, stemming from previous initiatives, the last being RISE-SD (, organized in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, in 2021. Recently a Defence Institute (BDI), a Research Organization (CERTH), and a Technology provider (SATWAYS) joined forces to support the continuation of RISE-SD as an EU Research and Innovation show in the field of Civil Protection & Defense. The event planned to be organized annually in Greece, and Bulgaria  alternately it will focus on the above two thematic areas.
The RISE-SD 2023 is expected to accommodate approximately 20 R&D projects concerning Disaster and crisis management, Critical Infrastructure protection, Border security and Defence Research. More than 200 participants from around EU will join the event to exchange ideas, present results and participate in live demos of technological solutions.

RISE-SD 2023 is a conference that will take place on 29/5-31/5/2023, on the island of Rhodes (Gr). The event is organized jointly by CERTH (GR), BDI (BG), and Satways Ltd (GR) in cooperation with several European R&D projects of Horizon (2020 & E.U.), EDF, and ISF.

The “Research and Innovation Symposium for European SECURITY and Defense”  is an international EU Research and Innovation event in the field of Disaster and crisis management, Critical Infrastructure protection, Border security and Defence Research.”

The audience shall include high-level representatives of the E.U., governmental representatives, researchers, industry, practitioners, and European security and defense stakeholders. Furthermore, the organizational plan foresees the publication of peer-reviewed papers related to the presentations that will be made in the sessions of RISE-SD 2023 in the Springer Book Series “Security Informatics and Law Enforcement.” In addition, the exhibition of technological solutions and live, open-air demonstrations of relevant projects and their respective outcomes are planned.

The main topics of the RISE-SD 2023 include:

  • Civil Protection and Disaster-Resilient Societies
  • Critical Infrastructures Resilience and Smart Cities
  • Better protect the E.U. and its citizens against Crime and Terrorism
  • Protection of Public Spaces
  • Effective management of E.U. external borders
  • Enhancing defense of the E.U.
  • Increased Cybersecurity
  • Strengthened Security Research and Innovation

Event Details

Register for the event by visiting the registration dedicated page. You can choose among the registration options for individuals or the co-organizers packages for projects. Most credit cards are accepted, as well as bank transfer payments.

All types of registration provide you access to all the plenary presentations, concurrent breakout sessions, and multiple social and networking events. In addition, there are additional benefits related to the registration package selected. More information is available on the RISE-SD2023 website or the registration dedicated page.

Your participant registration in RISE-SD2023 typically includes all meals in the Rhodos Palace Hotel during your stay and all the coffee breaks of the event’s sessions.

Registration cancellation can be made by emailing with “Registration Cancellation” in the theme and describing your request in the body of the email.

Although registration will be available onsite, we encourage all attendees to register for the conference in advance. This shall allow us to plan for the appropriate number of attendees and manage any accommodation needed. As a bonus, RISE-SD 2023 offers an early-bird discount for those who register by the designated deadline (see registration page).

Yes. The program for RISE-SD 2023 will be posted online as soon as it is finalized.

The schedule of RISE-SD 2023, including the event’s sessions, is available online here. It will be continuously updated with information concerning the titles of presentations and presenters. In addition, you can identify the people or presentations of interest by browsing the schedule.

Plenary sessions are sessions with lectures or speeches addressed to all the event participants.

The Organizing Committee, in collaboration with the venue operator (Rodos Palace Hotel) has made a special arrangement and reserved blocks of rooms for the attendees of RISE-SD 2023. This allows offering the RISE-SD 2023 participants a reasonable price and the convenience of being on-site where most activities take place. Only registered participants can benefit from this agreement, which means you must first register for the event. You will get, after finishing the payment of your registration, a specific code to use when contacting the hotel for the room reservation. Each registration code corresponds to a room reservation. You can learn more about reserving a room in Rodos Palace Hotel on the site's Location/Venue web page.

You will need first to register by picking one of the registration packages/options. When the registration is completed, a specific code (which you need to keep upon your arrival) and a web-link will be provided, to proceed with booking your rooms in the same hotel as the venue of the conference (optional)

RISE-SD 2023 will take place 29/5-31/5/2023 at the Rodos Palace Hotel on the island of Rhodes (Gr).

Registration will open within February for both individuals and projects, providing a discount for the early comers. The opening will be announced on the website and through social media the event.

Rhodes International Airport Diagoras is the main airport on Rhodes Island, and information on transportation is available from the website. RISE-SD 2023 will provide the participants with transportation facilities from the airport to the hotel and back on predefined hours and dates. The transportation schedule will be posted on the website before the event. There is no additional cost for this transportation. If the schedule doesn’t fit your plan, there are taxis from the airport to the venue or your hotel at any time you arrive/depart.

Yes, video recordings and photos will be compliant with the GDPR rules, aiming to promote and disseminate the conference activities. Therefore, participants will be informed accordingly and will be asked to fill out a relevant consent form at the reception desk before entering the event.

All the participants will have the opportunity to visit and discuss with the representatives of the co-organizing projects in the booths area during the breaks and in a proposed booth area tour on the first day of the event. Some of the projects will organize live demos to attract the interest of the participants and prove the concept of their technological solution. There will also be specific networking arrangements during the conference based on the participant's interests and the co-organizing projects, which will be announced on the website.

If you plan to organize any relevant event during the dates of RISE-SD2023, and you wish to benefit from the presence of a broad audience with an interest in Security, Civil Protection, and Defense Research and Innovation, do not hesitate to contact us at to examine how we could join our efforts.

There are several registration packages concerning simple attendee, presenter, or even project with both/stand participation available. More information can be found on the RISE-SD2023 website or the registration dedicated page.

Presentations are included in the program after submitting an extended abstract till 30/3. The extended abstracts will be included in the online Book of proceedings of RISE-SD 2023. The selected presentations will be asked to submit a full paper that following a peer review, will be published in the Springer Book Series “Security Informatics and Law Enforcement.”

Titles for the presentations will be provided individually by the co-organizing projects. Then the authors must submit an extended abstract by 30/3. They will be shortly informed concerning its acceptance as well as the time/date slot in the program. The right to present is linked with the formal registration in the event as an individual or project. For those that wish to submit their presentation as a paper to the dedicated Springer volume, a peer-reviewed call for papers will follow. The submission of the full paper is planned for the end of July 2023.

No, once an individual or project (two free passes) register for the conference, they will have access to all conference sessions. So, you need only check in at the conference reception desk on your arrival in RISER-SD 2023.

Participants are free to select the hotel where they wish to stay. However be aware that The prices of the registration packages are linked to the condition of the accommodation of the registrants at the Rodos Palace Hotel during the RISE-SD2023 event 29-31/5/2023

    Event Details