Nicolas Faivre

Short bio

As a project officer, my work contributes to define, promote and implement the EU Research and Innovation agendas for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction with a view to support EU and International policymaking processes linked to Climate Action. I draw in my work on an academic background in environmental sciences and on 15-yr research experience in the sustainable management of natural resources and natural hazards; in particular, my specific expertise in the field of wildfire risk management and reduction (PhD degree) acquired in several fire-prone countries and regions (Northern & Western Australia, California, Eastern Canada, Southern Europe).


Intervention (30/5/2023, EU/EC Session 10.00-12.00, Main Auditorium)

The EU R&I roadmap towards improved Wildfire Risk Management in Europe

The trend in recurring and tragic fire seasons in Europe over the last 30 years reflects the limits of conventional strategies and programmes in efficiently addressing the risk of extreme fire events. The significant EU research investment of the Green Deal Call to fund wildfire projects (EUR 75 Million) is a strong signal to accelerate the pan-European adaptation process to extreme wildfires. The presentation will introduce the ongoing R&I initiatives and how they build upon each other to shape and implement the concept of integrated fire management across Europe and other fire-prone areas.