Sergio Albani

Short Bio

Sergio Albani is the Head of Research, Technology Development and Innovation (RTDI) Unit at the European Union Satellite Centre (SatCen). He is in charge of the definition and execution of suitable R&I initiatives with the aim to develop new solutions across the whole geospatial data chain to be implemented in the SatCen operational workflow. Main activities are related to the exploitation of satellite EO imagery and new data sources through innovative technologies (e.g. Big Data, AI, Digital Twins) to implement advanced EO applications (e.g. SAR Change Detection) and address new security scenarios (e.g. Climate Security) while supporting relevant EU initiatives. He is responsible for several Horizon 2020 / Europe projects as well as for cooperation with ESA and GEO. Mr. Albani holds a Master’s Degree in Physics (Astrophysics and Space Physics branch) and a Master in Journalism and Scientific & Institutional Communication.

Intervention 30/05/2023, RISE-SD 2023 Plenary session, 09.00-12.00, Delphi Amphitheater

“SatCen and GEOINT for Security & Defence”

The current geopolitical situation is stressing the need of having valuable and reliable information to support timely decision-making. Earth Observation (EO) images from satellites are acknowledged as a key asset to enable the generation of geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) products and the development of suitable services to enhance decision-makers capabilities.
SatCen, the EU agency supporting the EU in the field of Common Foreign and Security Policy by analysing data from space based assets, will present the current trends and challenges in the GEOINT domain, and how they are faced to continuously enhance the security and defence capacity of the EU and its Member States. Examples of SatCen products, services and R&I activities will be presented, aiming at raising awareness of the importance of EO for security and defence as well as of the need to continue investing in the development of new technologies to ensure EU sovereignty and position at global scale.