
Workshop on “Wildfire management innovation and policies”. 2023, May 30, 13.00-17.00 (RISE-SD2023 venue)

The RISE-SD2023 event will include a workshop focused on “Innovations and Policies for Wildfire Management” which is organized by FIRELOGUE (C.S.A.) and FIREURISK (R.I.A.) European R&D projects. The European Research Executive Agency and DG ECHO are also involved, along with support and participation from SILVANUS, SAFERS, and TREEADS (I.A.) projects. The workshop will be divided into three panels:

Panel 1:

“Holistic approach and integrated management of landscape wildfires.” The aim is to provide a better understanding of the concepts and terms related to wildfire management used by both national authorities and the EC. What steps can we take to move away from just preventing and suppressing wildfires and towards a more inclusive and integrated approach to wildfire management?
Moderators: George Eftychidis (STWS), Claudia Berchtold (FHG)

Keynoter: Domingos Viegas (ADAI)

Panelists: Claudio Rossi (LINKS), George Sakkas (KEMEA), Diogo Vallim (CBS)

Panel 2:

“National wildfire management Action Plan (including a peer-review framework)”. During this panel, the DG ECHO’s Wildfire Prevention Action Plan’s ten actions will be presented and discussed to explore opportunities for using current scientific knowledge and research to support and enhance relevant prevention efforts. How can we move toward science-based and standardized national wildfire Action Plans and review them?

Moderators: George Eftychidis (STWS), Claudia Berchtold (FHG)

Keynoter: Cristina Brailescu (DG ECHO)

Panelists: Andrea Majlinogava (TUZ), Col. Fabrice Chassagne (DGSC), Guillermo Griem (DG ECHO), Ioannis Papoutsis (NOA)

Panel 3:

“ Science and Technology Contribution to improving wildfire management operations.” During this discussion, we will explore various technologies, innovative solutions, and common standards that can aid in integrating wildfire management tasks into a comprehensive framework

Moderators: Claudia Berchtold (FHG), George Eftychidis (STWS)

Keynoter: Nicolas Faivre (EC/REA)

Panelists: Claudia Berchtold (FHG), Ioannis Gitas (AUTH), Krishna Chandramouli (Venaka TReLeaf), Claudio Rossi (LINKS), Ioannis Papoutsis (NOA), Frederique Giroud (CEREN), Joao Silva/Claire Kowalewski (DG ECHO)

Each panel will last from 60-90 minutes.

If you wish to join the workshop, email  with “Wildfire Management Workshop” in the title of the email.


Minutes of the Workshop on “Wildfire management innovation and policies”


Exploitation Workshop of the European project STRATEGY

2023, May 31, 09.00-13.30 (RISE-SD2023 venue)

On May 31st, the STRATEGY project will hold its second exploitation workshop, which will be included in the parallel activities of the RISE-SD2023 event. The main goals of this workshop are to create a capitalization pathway and market valorization plan for our project’s components, methodologies, and outcomes. The hope is that this will promote the use of our project’s (pre-)standardization outcomes and recommended activities by the European Union, Standardization Bodies, end-users, the industry, and the research community. During the event, the project’s relevant partners will analyze the prefinal results of our project from multiple perspectives, including providing recommendations for the uptake of STRATEGY’s innovation and knowledge and establishing an EU roadmap for future interoperability standards for crisis management systems. This workshop is intended for civil protection stakeholders, policy makers, industry representatives, and others interested in the project.

The agenda of the workshop and the meeting link for remote attendance is available here.

If you wish to join this workshop, email  typing “STRATEGY  Workshop” in the title of the email.

The CBRN and Standardisation Cluster (CSTAC) of DRS01 related Projects (Virtual Event)

Ten projects have been invited to form the newly created CBRN and Standardisation Cluster (CSTAC), which is facilitated by colleagues at the Crisis Management Innovation Network Europe (CMINE) and is funded by the European Commission through its Horizon programmes, in particular for this Cluster the project PEERS, which provides facilitation and CMINE resources.

The Resilience Advisors Network currently facilitates and maintains the community under a formal agreement created with the European Research Executive Agency. The Cluster is an informal, voluntary, and free subset of the CERIS SEC and DRS communities, made up of those projects working on related research areas under the Secure Societies (SEC) and Disaster Resilient Societies (DRS) frameworks.  

The CBRN and Standardisation Cluster will have its hybrid kick-off meeting on 31st May in parallel to the RISE-SD2023 conference. Further information will be available on for coordination team members wishing to participate.

2nd Stakeholders and Industrial Workshop by IRIS project

2023, May 30, 9:00 – 12:00 (RISE-SD2023 venue) or 8:00 – 10:00 (CET)


The IRIS consortium organises the 2nd Stakeholders & Industrial Workshop on 30 May 2023 at 9:00 – 11:00 (RISE-SD2023 venue) or 8:00 – 10:00 (CET).

IRIS is an H2020 funded project with the vision to integrate and demonstrate a single platform addressed to CERTs/CSIRTs for assessing, detecting, responding to and sharing information regarding threats & vulnerabilities of IoT and AI-driven ICT systems.

The workshop’s participants will have the chance to watch demonstrations of the most mature solutions and tools that have been developed within the project, so far.

The workshop’s aim is to get feedback from the stakeholders, to validate the methodologies and justify the focus of the project’s future developments and pilots. 

This workshop is intended for representatives from the CERT/CSIRT community, members of the European Commission, security operators, distributors, cybersecurity service providers, cybersecurity professionals, and researchers.

More information about the project can be found:

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2nd Stakeholders and Industrial Workshop (SIW) – online and in-person

Tuesday, May 30th, 8:00 – 9:50 (CET)

Join Zoom Meeting

08:00 Welcome and Project Presentation INOV
08:10 IRIS Pilots UPC
08:25 IRIS Platform use in a Smart City (Pilot Use Case #1) ATOS
08:55 Q&A ATOS + CEL
09:10 Enhanced MeliCERTes ecosystem featuring single sign-on, SIEM, data governance, and customized dashboards INTRA
09:20 Q&A INTRA + CEL
09:30 Audit system for multi-entity environment: the Data Protection and Accountability (DPA) component INOV
09:40 Q&A INOV + CEL
09:50 (End)