
Michael Kotsias
General Secretariat for Research & Innovation Head of Unit, EU & International Organizations
Guillermo Griem
Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network Policy Officer
Emmanouil Fragoulopoulos
Brigadier General, Commander of the Hellenic Research and Technology Center
Sergio Albani
Head of Research, Technology Development and Innovation Unit
Giulio Maria Mancini
Policy Officer, Coordinator Border Management Innovation
Rainer Jungwirth
Teamleader - Hybrid Threats and Critical Entities Resilience
Nicolas Faivre
Project Officer
Christina Corbane
Leader of the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre
Christina Corbane is a senior researcher in remote sensing applied to earth sciences. She is currently the leader of the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre. Her main role is the coordination of the different projects, IT platforms and activities meant to provide scientific support for the efficient and coherent implementation of EU policies and international agreements in the field of Disaster Risk Reduction and Conflict Prevention.